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Physician training

At Barwon Health we provide physician training that spans the spectrum from basic training through to advanced training. At each level we provide training which is tailored to meet the needs of our junior medical staff.

We are the largest regional healthcare provider in Victoria, and the largest physician training program outside of Melbourne, hence we are the perfect size to meet the needs of trainees. We meet trainee needs through excellent exposure to medicine and its sub-specialities, supervision, a friendly environment and a genuine interest in you and your future. At Barwon Health we look for longevity in our relationships with basic physician trainees (BPTs) in a place where everyone will know your name.

Physician Training Team - who are we?

  • Director – Dr Cameron Jeremiah
  • Deputy Directors – Dr Elizabeth George, Dr Adam Hutchison and Dr Christopher McAulay-Powell
  • Admin Assistant - Donna Walker

Basic Physician Training (BPT)

Barwon Health provides excellent exposure to medicine for BPTs.

BPT1s rotate through a selection of the following rotations; Haematology and Oncology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Hospital-in-the-Home/Infectious Diseases, Rapid Assessment and Planning Unit (RAPU), Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative care.

BPT2s and BPT3s get exposure to medical registrar jobs including ward-based medical registrar roles, admitting registrar, RAPU registrar, as well as roles in Stroke, Neurology, intensive care, and geriatrics. In addition, BPT2s and 3s rotate to Hamilton Hospital as medical registrars and provide cover for specialty registrars during their annual leave.

Barwon Health is part of a consortium for physician training incorporating St Vincent’s Hospital, Hamilton and Warrnambool hospitals. A BPT teaching program includes twice weekly sessions to meet the knowledge needs of trainees in addition to RACP lectures.

BPTs preparing for their RACP written and clinical examinations are assisted by our physician training team with a comprehensive supportive program.

Long Case Workshop

Our team hosts a one-day workshop annually for clinical examination candidates focusing on the long case. This workshop includes live demonstrations with National examiners.

For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(L-R rear Deb Friedman, Patricia Page, Lavinia Tan, Megan Kwong, Wai Foong Hooi, front, Damoon Eltasari-Tatafi, Hasan Al-Khayat)
In memorial of our beloved colleague Hasan Al-Khayat, missed by all who knew him.
(L-R back) Deb Friedman, Patricia Page, Lavinia Tan, Megan Kwong, Wai Foong Hooi, (front) Damoon Eltasari-Tatafi, Hasan Al-Khayat)

IMG 2639



Photo: University Hospital Geelong RACP Clinical Examination Candidates 2017 
- 100 per cent pass rate.

Advanced Training in General Medicine

The Department of General Medicine at Barwon Health provides advanced physician training positions in General Medicine in partnership with other regional centres. We pride ourselves on being able to offer customised training which is ideally suited to future practice in regional and rural areas.

We focus on providing training for:

      • General physicians who can confidently work in regional settings with or without additional sub-specialist skills such as gastroscopy
      • Physicians who have trained as specialists who wish to add to their generalist skills to enable them to confidently work in a regional setting
      • General physicians with acute care or chronic disease management skills that can work in larger health services.

Our advanced physician training program offers high quality six-month (and occasionally 12 month) specialty rotations. University Hospital Geelong (UHG), in conjunction with Ballarat Base Hospital (BBH) and South West Health Care (SWHC) in Warrnambool form the Western Victoria Regional training hub. Through this collaboration we are able to offer rotations at all three sites and can enable trainees to complete all of their advanced physician training in Western Victoria.

Rotations include:

        • Senior medical registrar, UHG 
        • Intensive care, UHG
        • Cardiology, UHG
        • Infectious Diseases, BBH
        • Respiratory medicine, BBH
        • Nephrology, BBH
        • Neurology, BBH
        • Gastroenterology, UHG and BBH
        • General Medicine, SWHC

Rotations such as Palliative Care and Geriatrics are also sometimes available at UHG.


"Barwon Health has supported every step of my journey towards becoming a physician, and I am very grateful to have completed my basic training in Geelong. The group of physicians have been supportive and instrumental in not only my education as a trainee, but also my long term career plans and my development as a professional. Geelong is also a fabulous community, with an endless list of places to explore, and provides a great setting and support network for basic training."

Dr Louise Parry, Infectious Diseases trainee (BPT1-3 at Barwon Health)

"The general medical team makes every effort to provide a work environment that fosters a strong sense of purpose and team work. As a physician trainee, I feel well supported in my professional development and personal growth."

Dr Wai Foong Hooi, Neurology trainee (BPT at Barwon Health)

"University Hospital Geelong is a fantastic place to complete basic physician training. The guidance and encouragement I received was second to none, in what can be a steep and daunting learning curve. I've never felt more supported and inspired. I would love to come back and work in Geelong again."

Dr Shiu Lai, Geriatric advanced trainee (BPT at Barwon Health)

“I have recently completed my basic physician training at University Hospital Geelong; successfully passing the written and clinical RACP examinations in 2015. I cannot speak highly enough of the training program at University Hospital Geelong.

The atmosphere was academic without stifling individuality. At all times, from my first year of training through to the examinations and beyond, I was mentored, guided and supported on the pathway to becoming a physician. This support flowed across all levels, from the DPE, to supervising consultants, senior registrars and to my peer group. 

The hospital provided for me the perfect balance of academia and a lifestyle friendly environment; and this was reflected across our cohort with very pleasing examination results. There was a strong framework provided to assist us through the exams, and the dedication and hands-on time invested particularly by our consultants for the clinical examination exceeded all expectations. University Hospital has strong ties with other tertiary hospitals in Melbourne and this enabled us to participate in extensive training weekends with access to invaluable resources. I cannot fault my training time at University Hospital Geelong and would strongly encourage others to prioritise Barwon Health as the ideal location to prepare for a successful career with the RACP.”

Dr Elise Davey (Intern and BPT at Barwon Health)

“It is with great pleasure that I recommend physician trainees to launch their careers at University Hospital Geelong. I was able to successfully complete the RACP exams in 2013, and although luck contributes to all candidates success, the dedicated MCQ teaching program and tireless dedication to clinical teaching makes UHG a clear choice for the best opportunity of a success on the first attempt.

The teaching programs are structured, well organised, though it is the individuals behind this program who provide the basis for the high exam success.

I continued to work at UHG post exam for as a dual advanced trainee in neurology and general medicine. The Advanced Trainees are encouraged to participate in research, and in my experience learn the necessary skills to be a fantastic consultant.

Many advanced trainees have returned as consultants because UHG is such a satisfying work environment, and Geelong is such a fantastic place to live.

UHG has given me the skills that I need to be a dual specialist consultant and I would gladly return to Geelong on completion of my training."

Dr Christopher McAulay-Powell
Advanced Trainee in Neurology and General Medicine
ANZAN Regional Neurology Committee Advanced Trainee Representative
RACP Neurology Specialty Training Committee in Neurology Advanced Trainee Representative

Last Modified: Monday, 16 October 2023

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